Before buying a Fiddle Leaf Fig, ask yourself ‘where should I place my Fiddle Leaf Fig plant in my home’.

This is important to do before you bring your plant home because, as you’ll quickly discover when learning how to care for a Fiddle Leaf Fig, these plants are quite temperamental and respond poorly to a change of location. Having a place already picked out reduces the need to move the plant around and can save you a lot of time and dropped leaves.

‘Think carefully about where you place your plant as once in situ it shouldn’t be moved as this can cause shock where it sheds its leaves. You may find that it loses some leaves after transporting it home from the garden centre but it should stabilise within a couple of weeks,’ says Angela Slater, Gardening Expert at Hayes Garden World.

And so with that, here are our 3 best spots to place your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant.

1. In front of an east-facing window

Fiddle Leaf Fig plants are sensitive to direct light and benefit from being positioned by a window that receives indirect light – an east-facing window is perfect.

‘These plants crave bright, indirect light – which an east-facing window provides. Place them near a window that receives ample sunlight, but avoid direct rays that can scorch their foliage. Regular rotation also helps ensure even growth,’ says Monique Kemperman from The Joy of Plants.

If your window is south-facing, the light must be filtered through a voile or curtain or the plant be placed on the other side of the room so that the light does not scorch the leaves.

One thing to avoid, however, is placing your Fiddle Leaf Fig too near the window as the cold draughts can cause the leaves to drop. ‘Fiddle Leaf Figs prefer temperatures between 15°C – 26°C,’ adds Natalie Bourn from Between Two Thorns.

2. In the bathroom

If your bathroom has windows then it’s the perfect place for a Fiddle Leaf Fig. ‘Fiddle leaf figs prefer high-humidity environments which makes the bathroom perfect,’ notes Natalie Bourn from Between Two Thorns.

Another reason that Fiddle Leaf Figs are one of the best bathroom plant ideas is that bathrooms tend to have windows with frosted/obscured glass that let in filtered sunlight – ideal for Fiddle Leaf Figs as they are sensitive to direct light.

3. In a spot with other houseplants

Fiddle Leaf Figs thrive when placed with other plants. Not only does keeping the houseplants together make them healthier but it also helps you bring your urban jungle room ideas to life.

‘Houseplants benefit from being grown in a group as they form their own microclimate, which provides humidity for each other,’ adds Angela Slater, gardening expert at Hayes Garden World.

Consider adding lots of houseplants to your home office ideas – their presence is proven to reduce stress and improve focus.

Where to buy Fiddle Leaf Figs


Where should fiddle leaf figs be placed in the house?

Since they need bright, indirect light Fiddle Leaf Fig should be placed beside an east-facing window or a south-facing one that receives filtered light.

Is fiddle leaf fig good for the bedroom?

Yes, Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the best plants for the bedroom so long as there is enough light. The greenery can bring a sense of peace to a bedroom and make it seem more relaxing.

All houseplants need to be chosen with the perfect location in the home in mind if you want them to thrive. So if you’re eyeing up a monstera plant to accompany your fiddle leaf fig, check where to put a monstera plant in a house too before investing.

Houseplants are a wonderful addition to a home, but if you want them to look their best pay close attention to the care instructions.

Read the full article here

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