The Chinese philosophy of feng shui aims to create balance in the home, and by proxy, create balance in your overall life. There are ample techniques and adjustments — sourced from various schools of thought—to help achieve this flow. But, it can be overwhelming to know exactly where to start.

If you’re ready to incorporate better flow and wellness in your everyday life, here are feng shui guidelines for every room in your home to create a space that is in harmony with feng shui. These essential tips for decorating every room in your house will help promote good energy.

To make things simple, we’ve rounded up the top three feng shui rules to keep in mind for each room in your home. Check them out, ahead.

Entry Foyer

The entry to your home is called the “mouth of qi.” This means that the front door is the portal for all the qi, or life force energy, to enter your home and life. It’s one of the most important areas to look at for feng shui. 

Entry Checklist

  • Make sure the entry is brightly lit.
  • Keep the area free of clutter.
  • Be sure that the doorbell is functioning properly.

Living Room

The living room is a space where the inhabitants of the home can gather with friends and family. It’s typically a more public space. Ideally, you want to keep it open and inviting.

Living Room Checklist

  • Use the five elements colors to decorate your living room based on the energies you would like to cultivate.
  • Add green house plants to invite more wellness, growth, and kindness.
  • Configure the sofa and/or chairs in the commanding position.

Dining Room

The dining room is where we gather to eat and nourish together. It is a time to connect and check-in with our loved ones. It also represents friendships.

Dining Room Checklist

  • If the dining table is also used for other purposes, be sure to clear it off for meals.
  • Use the dining table for a meal regularly to attract more friendships into your life.
  • Fresh flowers can be offered to invite energy and unstick any of our connections to others in our lives.


Another one of the most important feng shui rooms in the home, the kitchen represents prosperity, abundance, and health. How well we eat directly relates to how we show up in the world. The stove is specifically connected to your prosperity and wellness. 

Kitchen Checklist

  • Keep the stove clean and in good repair.
  • Use the stove at least once a day, even if it’s just to boil water. This keeps the energy active.
  • Regularly dispose of expired food in the refrigerator and pantry.

Family Room

The family room is another gathering spot that’s a little more private. It’s a nice room for the family to spend time together.

Family Room Checklist

  • Ensure that there is a seat for every person in the home.
  • Use the five element colors to decorate based on the energies you want to cultivate within the home.
  • A rug can be placed in the center of the room to connect and ground the family.


The bedroom is a great place to start with bringing feng shui into your home because this room represents the person that sleeps there. Feng shui adjustments in the bedroom can work quickly and effectively here because you spend a large portion of your life sleeping.

Bedroom Checklist

  • Place your bed in the commanding position. If it’s not possible, correct for it.
  • Removed any storage and clutter from underneath the bed. Ideally, it’s completely open to air and qi circulation.
  • Make sure that you have a headboard that’s securely attached to the bed.

Home Office

The home office is especially important if this is your main office space or if you work often from home. Your office space and the desk symbolizes your career. Therefore, the feng shui of your home office greatly affects your success in your work.

Home Office Checklist

  • Place your desk in the commanding position. If it’s not possible, correct for it.
  • Check that you use a chair with a back. A desk chair with a back provides more support. And everyone can use support in their career.
  • Make sure you have at least three feet of space between the desk and chair.


The bathroom has a lot of water element, which can lead to draining away of wealth. Start by keeping the bathroom sparkling clean so it can truly be a spa-like place of rest and recuperation.

Bathroom Checklist

  • A living green houseplant on top of the toilet can transform the downward water energy into upward life energy because plants grow and flourish with water.
  • Keep the toilet seat shut when not in use.
  • Keep the mirrors clean so they can reflect with clarity.


Cosets can represent hidden areas of our lives and need attention just as much as the living spaces.

Closet Checklist

  • Regularly declutter and donate anything that is no longer needed.
  • Sweep out the dust bunnies that accumulate in the hidden corners.
  • Keep a little space open rather than packing the closet full. This way you send the message to the universe that you have space to invite new opportunities into your life.


Hallways are like the arteries where we circulate the qi through our homes. Therefore, don’t forget to feng shui the hallways.

Hallway Checklist

  • Keep narrow hallways clear of clutter. Avoid making them too difficult to walk through as it represents obstacles in our lives.
  • Photos and artwork are great in the hallways, especially long ones.
  • Be sure hallways are well lit.

General Feng Shui Tips

Not all feng shui guidelines are room-specific. Here are some more general rules you can follow in all areas of your home:

  • Balance colors: Decide which bagua areas you want to improve and choose corresponding colors to strengthen that energy. For example, introduce green for family (zhen) or purple for wealth (xun).
  • Declutter: Clutter causes blocked chi. Let go of excess items that take up valuable space.
  • Keep traffic flow open: Passageways like doors and halls should be kept open so your route is clear. Avoid placing furniture at the entrance of a room.
  • Fix broken things: Repairing anything that may be broken in your home will improve the chi of a space. Broken mirrors are especially important to fix or replace.

Read the full article here

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